The Unstoppable Woman®

The Unstoppable Woman®

How to Let Go of the Need to be Right

September 03, 2020

Today’s episode is all about solving problems. Are you committed to moving through your problems, or are you just committed to being right? It’s actually possible to accept your role in an unfortunate situation without experiencing any real loss or humiliation, despite what your fears might be telling you. Instead of equating “always being right” with your sense of self-worth, listen in to learn how you can gracefully acknowledge your mistakes while paving the way for an effective solution.

What To Listen For

Uncovering the fears that are holding you back
How to stop needing to be right
Are you seeking to blame someone?
Stepping out of the right/wrong paradigm
How to prepare yourself to effectively handle life’s problems
What’s at stake if you’re “wrong” in a situation?
The double bind that’s keeping you from growth

Get Out of Your Own Way. Increase Cash Flow. Find Your Freedom.

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