The Unstoppable Woman®

The Unstoppable Woman®

Unpacking Style, Sex, and Raising your Self-Worth

August 04, 2020

Today’s episode is all about the psychology of what you wear. We’re diving deeper into our discussion on style! You might be working from home during quarantine, and I know it’s so tempting to just roll out of bed and throw on your comfiest yoga pants. But what if you dressed like the woman you want to be? What you choose to wear – and, most importantly, how it makes you feel – will subconsciously affect so much more than you know! Today, I’m joined by Sarah Hockett from my team who asks some pointed questions where to explore it all. It’s not just the obvious elements like your confidence that are affected… you’ll see results in your attitude, your productivity, your ability to not sweat the small stuff, and even client acquisition! (I'm serious!) After all, when you spend day after day in frumpy sweats, you start to feel frumpy yourself. Break that pattern and start looking and feeling like the sexy, confident, powerful woman that you are!

Join us at the Income Breakthrough Virtual Summit, November 6th – 8th.
**Super early bird pricing available through August 4th**

What To Listen For

Dressing up the brain – how to use fashion to feel empowered
Tapping into your sexual energy as a source of creativity and power
Invest in YOU! You’ll thank yourself later ;)
Aligning your environment with your goal – how it will drastically expedite your journey
The outer affects the inner! The power of clothing to change emotions
If you feel sexy and attractive, will it actually attract clients too?