The Unstoppable Woman®

The Unstoppable Woman®

What I Actually Did: The Unfiltered Story of How I Scaled My Business Part 2

April 16, 2020

In this episode, I’m pulling back the curtain to share my personal story with you. I want to tell you what I actually did to scale my business. In part 1 of this episode, I talked about the messy, and emotional side of this story. I spoke about the mental aspect of success, the mindset and the inner game pieces. This is so absolutely critical and I would say it makes up for about 80% of your success. Today, I’m going to dive into the other 20% - The strategies, tactics, and action plans that I took to level up my business, and I’m going to take a closer look at that inner game as well.

What To Listen For

Strategies, tactics, and action Plans
When I was spinning out
Not getting to the next level
Outer game pieces
Increasing my prices
The three ways to make more money in your business
Paying attention to the nuances of your business
Most people make it more complicated than it is
My first strategy
Raising my prices
Not holding enough belief in myself
Lowering my prices - Egads!
Not wanting to stop
Stepping it up
Shifting my inner game
The important self-value/self-image piece
Tripling my price point
Selling at a different level
If you’re not selling, you’re not in business
Common fears when it comes to sales
Learning to value myself
Stepping forward
Investing in myself
Increasing the value of what I was selling
Giving at a higher value level
Performing at a higher value level
Holding myself to a higher standard
The Law of Compensation
Raising my game
You don’t have to over-give
Learning to systemize
Stretching myself
Hiring a team
Moving through shame of selling at a higher price point
Investing in the things that raise your self worth
The chicken and egg piece that most people miss
Doing it scared
Feeling like a fish out of water
Studying and freeing my mind
Focusing on the right things
Turning to the laws
Applying the laws every day
Spending time in the terror barrier while making my quantum leap
Pushing myself to my growth edge
Grounding practices
Asking my mentor tons of questions
Taking action quickly without overthinking
Trusting yourself and being willing to make mistakes
Being so committed that you won’t quit
Course correcting
You haven’t failed unless you quit
Consistently stepping into action
Asking yourself the tough questions
Evaluating your results
Talking yourself out of something you really want
Taking 100% personal responsibility
Learning from mistakes and missteps
Goal setting
Letting go of the chaos in my head
My own self-image
Getting the top grade in my high school AP History class - And what happened next
What I can learn from that story that applies to my business
Patterns of disappointment
Keeping the next goal on deck


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