Unpolished Therapy Podcast

Unpolished Therapy Podcast

We Stand With Israel: Faith Over Fear

October 25, 2023

Episode 110 of Unpolished Therapy airs Wednesday, October 25, 2023 as the gals meet on the corner of Audacity & Advice for the first time since the attacks in Israel on October 7th. They speak loudly and proudly about their stance on the tragic events which have unfolded in Gaza as the lives of innocent Israelis have been savagely murdered and others kidnapped, held hostage and still remain captive by Hamas. Dr. Boca & Rachel Silver-Cohen wholeheartedly STAND WITH ISRAEL. There is zero tolerance for the inhumane acts committed by the terrorist group Hamas. The violence and barbaric brutality against Jews is unconscionable and must be stopped. While this matter is equally sensitive as it is serious, it makes the conversation that much more necessary. We must speak out; we must step up and we must lean in to our faith over our fear so Hamas terrorists are held accountable for their actions. We must support our Jewish brothers and sisters and protect the land of Israel. Am Yisrael Chai......
This episode is a MUST listen!

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