Today we’re talking to Tim Hollingsworth OBE the Sport England chief executive and former chief executive of the British Paralympic Association (BPA).
Tim leads Sport England’s mission to get us all moving, by investing government money in sport and physical activity. This gives him a perspective in to some really important questions, such as what’s the role of government in sport, what does it want sport to do, does the system of national governing bodies work as well as it should, are they able to respond to a fast changing culture in which it’s easier to order a pizza than book a tennis court.
I ask him what Park Run has taught Sport England, whether Olympic gold medals are worth the cost and what the success of the Paralympic sport says about us as a country.
To find out more about Sport England’s work, I’d point you to their recently published 10-year strategy document called
Uniting the Movement, which we reference during out conversation.
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