Unofficial Partner Podcast

Unofficial Partner Podcast

E140: How to be the best

February 09, 2021

Mark Williams has spent his career studying expertise and is one of the world’s leading authorities on skill acquisition in sport.

His book, co-written with journalist Tim Wigmore, is called The Best, How Elite Athletes Are Made and includes stories and interviews with many leading sports stars including Marcus Rashford, Steph Curry, Helen Glover and many more.

So what can we learn from these people about how to be better at what we do in other spheres? How do some of the book’s themes apply beyond sport and are there patterns to the ‘best’ organisations?

What are the limits of the sports metaphor in training business people? How much of success is about culture? Do businesses ever grow beyond the culture of their founders?

What are the traps of using data as the basis of decision making and how valid is the idea that technology spend is the key competitive advantage in sport/business in the future?

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