The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

The Wonderfully Haunted Oman House

July 08, 2018

Disclosure: This is our VERY first attempt at video. We attempted to time stamp and catch activity while interviewing David Oman. Hence the video segment posted above. Video file sizes are prohibitive so we are presenting a segment that best captures the spirit of our discussion.
Join us for a quick catch up with David Oman of the wonderfully haunted Oman House!
David Oman is a professional actor and writer. Like most in Hollywood, he spends considerable time with fellow entertainers .. however, in David’s case, these actors are no longer at “room temperature”.
The Oman House is located in Beverly Hills, just north of the famous Sunset Bl. … adjacent the private drive of the now-razed Sharon Tate home. Sharon Tate and three close friends were murdered at her private residence on August 9th 1969 by the Charles Manson “family”.
Immediately below is a short clip where a figurine inside the Oman House falls on its own. Poltergeist acitivity? Your call BUT … there were at least three instances where various figurines fell. 
Click here to view clip of falling figurine