The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

From Beginner To Passionate - A Personal Ghosting Hunting Tale - The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast -- Discussing the World Of Ghosts, Hauntings, Psychics, UFOs, New Scientific Discoveries ... Anything Unexplained

December 22, 2015


This episode was made for paranormal enthusiasts who are wondering: "How do I become a paranormal investigator myself? What are the dangers and rewards? What will I learn about life after death?" Robin Strom-Mackey of Delaware Paranormal Research Group speaks to us about ghost hunting equipment and results you can expect to see in the field versus what you see on television!

Robin also also talks to The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast about:

* Paranormal Investigation Safety -- how to protect yourself from spirit attachment
* Differences between paranormal reality television series investigations and real life field experience
* How the paranormal community needs to "evolve" and be taken more seriously
* Her own scientific approach to investigations -- not everything is paranormal!


Links to our guest:

The Shore 

Note: Robin's blog, "The Shore", is a great site for learning more about EVPs, how human personality traits can attract the paranormal and interesting investigative case studies.

Facebook Page:

Contact Robin Directly: