The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

Steven LaChance - Author of The Uninvited and Blessed Are The Wicked - Talks Books And Horror Movies - The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast -- Discussing the World Of Ghosts, Hauntings, Psychics, UFOs, New Scientific Discoveries ... Anything Unexplained

November 12, 2015


Steven LaChance, filmmaker and author of The Uninvited, Blessed Are The Wicked (picks up where The Uninvited left off) and more .. speaks to The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast and analyzes popular horror movies and books through a perspective gained by his family's own demonic encounters at The Union Screaming House.

Topics Discussed:
* How do you pick the subjects to be covered in your books, such as The Uninvited and Crazy?
* The 1949 St Louis Exorcism Case
* Background and events leading up to the Union Screaming House hauntings
* Psychological effects felt by victims of demonic episodes
* Alternative explanations for ghosts
* Discussion of horror movies -- what goes into a great horror movie?

* Upcoming books and films

Links to Steven LaChance:

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