The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

Can Science Prove the Paranormal? Mike Stevenson - "The Paranormal Man" - The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast -- Discussing the World Of Ghosts, Hauntings, Psychics, UFOs, New Scientific Discoveries ... Anything Unexplained

November 08, 2015


Our guest today, Mike Stevenson, aka The Paranormal Man, is an Ivy League graduate of The University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science Degree and The University of Phoenix with Masters Degree in Informational Systems. An accomplished audio engineer and inventor, Mike understands that many people do not believe in spirits, or even the afterlife, because they believe there is no rational explanation for it! Can science reconcile with the paranormal?

Mike is involved in the study of how spirits can and do communicate with human beings ... and based on histrials and experiments, has developed some eye-opening theories. It's far more rational and scientific than would-be skeptics realize!!


Topics Covered
* How to determine a real versus fake/false evp
* Do cell phone ghost hunting apps work?
* What is an Ovilus or Spirit Box and how does it work?
* Best practices to use when speaking to spirits .. provocation versus respect
* How do spirits "hear" us? and how do digital recorders pick up and record their "voices"?
* So much more .....
Links to Mike Stevenson:


Mike's Books on Amazon:

Thanks to for allowing us to borrow some of their graphics!