The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

UPP 15: The Compelling World of Jewish Mysticism With Rabbi Sid Vineburg - The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast -- Discussing the World Of Ghosts, Hauntings, Psychics, UFOs, New Scientific Discoveries ... Anything Unexplained

November 01, 2015

The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast explores different cultures as Rabbi Sid Vineburg, researcher of all things paranormal, discusses the fascinating world of Jewish mysticism. Ghosts, spirits, demons, the afterlife, etc ... are universally acknowledged but just what they are and represent can vary radically across different cultures and religions.

Rabbi Vineburg totally engrossed us for over an hour with accounts of dybbuks, the dybbuk box, Jewish ghosts, Kaballah and its descriptions of life-energy gone awry.

If you enjoy learning, you are going to love this episode!
Links to our guest: