The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

Frank Cinelli - Dr. Spectre Conspiracy Theory 101. Shedding Light On Popular Conspiracy Theories - The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast -- Discussing the World Of Ghosts, Hauntings, Psychics, UFOs .. Anything Unexplained

September 30, 2015

Whether the theme be FEMA camps, fluoride in drinking water, UFO cover up, aliens living among us, et al Frank Cinelli provides his audience with insight into their own unique causes .. and potential dangers!

Frank Cinelli, Jr. PhD
He has been practicing alternative medicine for almost 18 years. He is the owner of the Vitamin Pharmacy.
In his practice he uses bioenergetic testing along with laser and light therapies. He has a PhD in Biotechnology and certificates in Bio Stress Technique, Intracellular Communication, Bioset, Reiki and other types of energy work.

He writes healthy hunts for the TAPS Paramagazine and is "Ask Dr Spectre" for
He has had a lifelong obsession with the paranormal, and has been investigating and researching since 1984.
