The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

Chakra Practitioner/Healer and Psychic Medium Geralyn St Joseph - The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast — Discussing the World Of Ghosts, Hauntings, Psychics, UFOs .. Anything Unexplained

June 11, 2015

In this special episode of the Unnormal Paranormal Podcast we speak to Chakra Therapy Practitioner, author and psychic medium Geralyn St Joseph who explains how seemingly distinct mental and physical ailments can SOMETIMES be closely tied and brought on by each other! She delivers a thought-provoking and intuitive insight into how an understanding of the body's energy centers can aid in the healing process.

Later on, Geralyn helps convey a heartfelt message from beyond to our very own host, Rhonda Fels, that you do not want to miss!

Show Links (click on them to view the page) ~

1.) White Light Meditation & Practices for Spiritual Development
2.) Discover Your Whole Self – Step by Step Guide to Healing Through the Chakra System [Abridged]:
3.) Amplified Bible:

Other Links to Geralyn
Geralyn's Authored Books on
