

(Un)marginalised: S1, E6 with Jennifer Hankin

May 06, 2021

In the final episode for the season, Jen and I explore how the intersection between gender and invisible disability drives a person's health, employment and education experiences. We also talk fashion, music, the Australian disability support system, and what to do when people ask 'how are you?'. CW: ableism, mental health issues and family violence.
For an exclusive bonus episode and to support the making of the podcast, go to https://www.patreon.com/LielKBridgford
Complete transcripts available on http://lkbridgford.com/unmarginalised-podcast
If you need support after listening, you can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14. Outside Australia, you can find support here: https://www.befrienders.org.
To continue the conversation, go to my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lielkbridgford/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lielkbridgford
Please note the views expressed by the interviewee do not necessarily reflect my own.