Sermons – Unity of Tallahassee

Sermons – Unity of Tallahassee

Latest Episodes

The Power of Observation 04-30-17 Early Service
May 02, 2017

We learn from science that events at a quantum level are affected by the act of observation. Our beliefs, thoughts, and feelings are consciousness events. How are these events affected when we observe ourselves?

Foundation 04-23-17
April 25, 2017

There are some things we can know for sure. We exist, we are alive, and we have consciousness. From this foundation we live our lives, often without much consideration of just how much of a wonder this is. Let’s explore the wonder.

Old Story Made New 04-16-17
April 21, 2017

The Easter story is a mystery that has propelled the Christian tradition through two thousand years. What is the known and the unknown surrounding this mystery?

Attraction -Not Just a Good Idea, It’s the Law — Paul Smith 03-05-17
April 14, 2017

The ancients called it the “primal motive force.” Jesus taught us how it works with the “Golden Rule.”  Charles Fillmore described it as, “…a law not yet fully understood by man.” So, are we really drawing to us everything that is happening in our live...

Seven Steps 04-09-17
April 14, 2017

The crucifixion of Jesus became a symbol of many things through the ages.  The sayings of Jesus from the cross reveals that he was keenly aware of the steps to moving beyond life’s challenges, even the most extreme.

Darkest Before Dawn, Paul Smith 04-02-17
April 06, 2017

Soon it will be Easter, and with it will come many stories and ideas about the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. As we live our lives, we experience feelings and emotions that range the full spectrum from bliss to despair.

Life As Unity 04-02-17
April 06, 2017

When confronted with a challenging situation, it can sometimes feel as if life is against us. The feeling of fight or flight is a common reaction. We can then go into a defensive and blaming stance inside ourselves.

It’s All About Transformation 03-26-17
March 31, 2017

Getting to resolution in any situation is a process of  discovering how coming together arises from complexity or confusion.  We can learn the steps to completion through understanding the principle that governs the evolution of everything.

Karma or Grace? 03-12-17
March 14, 2017

Are we stuck with the cause and effect consequences of all our past ways of being or is there an opening to freedom?

Sorting It Out 03-05-17
March 10, 2017

We sometimes ourselves feeling stuck about what to do or say in a situation or with an individual.  A cloud of confusion can fill our thinking and feelings.  How do we go about sorting it out?
