Sermons – Unity of Tallahassee

Sermons – Unity of Tallahassee

Latest Episodes

Life is a Learning Curve 07-09-17
July 13, 2017

Real and meaningful life lies beyond the ordinary perception of things. All events and circumstances are the next necessary steps to get to where one truly wants to be. This is the realization that life is a learning curve.

The More Things Change 07-02-17 Paul Smith
July 13, 2017

Have you ever felt like things in your life were finally just the way you wanted them to be, only to have the situation change in a way you didn’t expect … or really didn’t want? The nature of the universe is change,

Unbounded Creation 06-18-17 Early Service
June 22, 2017

When we find ourselves in a state of upset the experience is usually one of being immersed in a swirl of thoughts and emotions about what is wrong with life. Our attention is fixated upon a person, event, or circumstance that appears to be the source o...

Practicing Esoteric Christianity 06-04-17
June 06, 2017

The Gospel teachings of Jesus return over and over to the necessity of an inner change to be realized for there to be a lasting transformation of one’s being. He said, “There is nothing hidden that shall not be made manifest.

Infinite Repeat 06-04-17 Paul Smith
June 06, 2017

Have you ever had an interaction with someone and later replayed it over and over again in your mind?  Sometimes it’s positive, more often it’s negative. Either way, when we find we keep reliving the experience at the expense of living in the current m...

A New Imperative 05-28-17
June 02, 2017

The Gospel teachings of Jesus return over and over to the necessity of an inner change to be realized for there to be a lasting transformation of one’s being. He said, “There is nothing hidden that shall not be made manifest.

If Only… 05-21-17
May 23, 2017

When we examine Nature we can see that nothing is in a straight line. Whether the edge of a leaf or the edges of a continent as seen from space, we can see the jagged edges. In a similar way, when we examine our lives we can see the zigs and zags in th...

Mother, May I? 05-14-17
May 17, 2017

The mothering principle of life is expressed in varying degrees through the person who gave us birth.  This principle nurtures through the activity of allowing and correcting how we live and what we do. Even when our mother is no longer around,

Don’t Worry Be Happy 05-07-17 Paul Smith
May 17, 2017

It’s normal and common to experience worries and anxieties. Yet, the ancient teachings consistently say, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” Is it possible to lessen or even eliminate these feelings and to move towards peace and happiness, and if so,

The Power of Ideas 04-30-17
May 02, 2017

From a certain point of view, it could be said that the universe is the expression of an idea in the mind of God. It could also be said, therefore, that the life we live is an expression of ideas in our mind. What does this say about the power of ideas?
