UnitedInstitute.org World Podcast - Jeffrey G. Nutt

UnitedInstitute.org World Podcast - Jeffrey G. Nutt

E9-Dr Mark Cannon 1st Supreme Court Top Counselor on 90th B-day

September 09, 2018

Regarded by many U.S. Supreme Court staff during his 13 year tenure as an "Unofficial 10th Justice", Dr. Cannon tells his experiences from Harvard PhD to the A.A. / Counselor under former U.S. Chief Justice Warren Burger. He gives us his take on faith, freedom, meeting Justice Neil Gorsuch, and his views on Hon. Brett Kavanaugh, religious liberty, a great book, and more. 

Sponsored By: One University of the Americas Fund (http://unitedinstitute.org/)
Jeffrey G. Nutt & Associates, PLLC (http://jnuttlaw.com/)