UnitedInstitute.org World Podcast - Jeffrey G. Nutt

UnitedInstitute.org World Podcast - Jeffrey G. Nutt

E7-Jim Stovall Gives Us Insights On Success Despite Daunting Odds

August 22, 2017

Jim Stovall is the founder of Narrative Television Network. Olympian, actor, Emmy award winner, nationally known speaker, author of 30 books, he writes and produces major films seen worldwide. He overcame blindness and became a self-made multi-millionaire with a dream team of mentors from Ted Turner and Steve Forbes to a U.S. President.

Narrative Television Network: http://www.narrativetv.com/
Jim Stovall Website: http://www.jimstovall.com/
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Sponsored By: One University of the Americas Fund (http://unitedinstitute.org/)
Jeffrey G. Nutt & Associates, PLLC (http://jnuttlaw.com/)