MK837 presents Uniquely Yours

MK837 presents Uniquely Yours

EP 403 | September 2021

September 21, 2021

It’s hard to believe that it’s September now and summer is waving goodbye to us in the rearview mirror as we speed ever faster toward the end of 2021. If ANYBODY wants to say 2022 will be better, please shut up before you ruin it. 2021 hasn’t all been bad, but let’s not fool ourselves, in many places it has not gotten any better.
Well, that’s depressing. Sorry to go down that dark road. Know what’s not though? September’s Uniquely Yours. Dave’s back with eleven tracks to amaze and delight. Now sit back and enjoy the next hour or dance your tail off. 2021 is almost gone.

* Reber – As She Walked into The Room [Slightly Sizzled White]
* Pranay Ryan – Lost Soul [3rd Avenue]
* Voben – Pixelghost (Original Mix) [MK837]
* Forty Cats – Therapy [Meanwhile]
* Francisco Samuel & Dana Nanci – Trust Yourself Feat. Dana Naci [MK837]
* Chambord – La Cumbia (Original Mix) [Abracadabra Music]
* Simone Glad & Ollie Red – Osumbana [Open Bar Music]
* Emmanuel Jal & Elisa Elisa – Amazigh [Cacao Records]
* Coco Street & Deep Dementure – La Fiesta (Micfreak Remix) [MK837]
* Jacso – Poly [MK837]
* Deep Inzhiniring – We Do Not Turn to The Past [Run Records]