The Unified Field (CKDU)

The Unified Field (CKDU)

Latest Episodes

UFRS3E7-Mellen Benedict Thomas-The World's Most Incredible NDE
January 15, 2012

Mellen Thomas viewed the human race as a great cancer devouring the Earth, when he himself succumbed to the same fate, at the hands of the great cancer that had consumed him.  When he came back from beyond the veil an hour and a half later he had all

UFRS3E8-Paolo Harris- Ufology's Leading Lady
January 04, 2012

 Paola Harris an Internationally known investigator, photojournalist, author lecturer teacher, and so much more. She's known for many reasons but some of the big highlights are work with Paul Hellyer, with the late Dr. John Mack (Professor of Psychiatry

UFRS3E7-Mellen Thomas-The World's Most Incredible NDE
December 28, 2011

Mellen Thomas viewed the human race as a great cancer devouring the Earth, when he himself succumbed to the same fate, at the hands of the great cancer that had consumed him.  When he came back from beyond the veil an hour and a half later he had all th

December 11, 2011

Mellen Thomas viewed the human race as a great cancer devouring the Earth, when he himself succumbed to the same fate, at the hands of the great cancer that had consumed him.  When he came back from beyond the veil an hour and a half later he had all th

December 04, 2011

Mellen Thomas viewed the human race as a great cancer devouring the Earth, when he himself succumbed to the same fate, at the hands of the great cancer that had consumed him.  When he came back from beyond the veil an hour and a half later he had all th

UFRS3E6-Jon Sumple and Jack Roth-The Romanek Documentary.mp3
November 20, 2011

We spoke with Jack Roth and Jon Sumple of j3 Films about their upcoming film showcasing the life of Stan Romanek, the world's most popular alien abductee, and his family, from the humanistic perspective...what they've gone through as a unit, and how they

UFRS3E5-Andrew Arnold-VUFOA Australia
November 06, 2011

Australian Ufologist and Victoria UFO Action Committee founder, Andrew Arnold joins us from the other side of the Earth to tell us about Australia's most famous UFO cases, the Frederick Valentich case, and the Westall 1966 event, as well the most most re

October 31, 2011

World renown alien abductee/ paranormal experiencer/ channeller/ author lecturer, the controversial Stan Romanek joins us to talk to us about his most recent book, the ‘Orion Regressions', the brand new documentary in the works by j3 Films, the future

October 31, 2011

World renown alien abductee/ paranormal experiencer/ channeller/ author lecturer, the controversial Stan Romanek joins us to talk to us about his most recent book, the ‘Orion Regressions', the brand new documentary in the works by j3 Films, the future

October 24, 2011

World renown alien abductee/ paranormal experiencer/ channeller/ author lecturer, the controversial Stan Romanek joins us to talk to us about his most recent book, the ‘Orion Regressions', the brand new documentary in the works by j3 Films, the future