
Latest Episodes
Year of Firsts*
When going through a loss, the first year is big. Getting through the first birthday, holiday(s), anniversaries, etc. The asterisk means there may be firsts that happen after the first […]
I spoke on this topic last year. I revisit as part of the new theme for this podcast. At the end, update on how things are going. Some changes coming […]
Support and Signs
As promised, first episode coming out on a weekly basis. There may be a few in between but the plan is a new episode every Monday. This is a long […]
Some of the best news I’ve had in a long time. Been grinning ear to ear since 2:17 PM PT! (strong language. Get your ear muffs)
Option A or Option B
Which will it be? Also, a shift is coming. A few hints in this episode with more details to follow. Nothing bad. All good!
Tacos. A State of Mind.
Taco is now a way of life for me. From being in the moment to who I want to be with. A lot of work and thought has gone into […]
“Others are struggling” And Your Point Is?
Breaking one of my golden rules. Aren’t rules meant to be broken? This is a long episode. Have plenty of snacks nearby.
Calming My Brain
Had a very lazy and productive weekend. That is an example of the power the word “and” has. The two can coexist. I also got my first rejection and I […]