The Unenthusiastic Critic

The Unenthusiastic Critic


August 11, 2020

This week, The Unenthusiastic Critic is suiting up for her first viewing of a dynamic duo of movies: Batman (1989) and Batman & Robin (1997).

Coming on the scene when comic book movies were considered a money-losing proposition, Tim Burton's smash-hit became the template for modern blockbusters—in ways both good and bad—and set the stage for Hollywood's ongoing, multi-billion-dollar love affair with costumed avengers.

But, just a few years later, Joel Schumacher's godforsaken sequel became a cautionary tale for the genre, killing the franchise dead and teaching an entire industry how not to make a superhero movie.

Join us as we discuss the Dark Knight's rise and fall, wince at terrible puns, and wonder just why there are so many open vats of toxic goop lying around Gotham City.


0:00: Intro (Theme from Batman TV show)
00:28: Preliminary Conversation: Superhero Movies
21:36: Musical Interlude: "Worst Superpower Ever" by The Doubleclicks
23:08: Cultural Osmosis: Pre-Viewing Discussion
39:06: Batman Original Trailer
40:35: The Verdict I: Post-Viewing Discussion of Batman
54:34: Batman & Robin Original Trailer
56:49: The Verdict II: Post-Viewing Discussion of Batman & Robin
1:19:06: Outro and Next Week's Movie
1:20:07: Outtake

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