Unearthed: Memphis

Unearthed: Memphis

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Season 2: Halloween Mini Episode: The Memphis U.S. Marine Hospital
October 31, 2022

Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this story, the Tale of the Memphis U.S. Marine Hospital. The year was 1798 and President Adams decreed there needed to be a hospital for

Season 2: Episode Ten: The Sultana Disaster: Part 2
September 30, 2022

Its April, 1865 The Sultana has been docked in Vicksburg, MS, preparing to load far more passengers than the steamer is equipped to hold. The passengers are almost entirely Union soldiers who are be

Season 2: Episode Nine: The Sultana Disaster: Part 1
December 16, 2021

If you were to mention the word Titanic to a random stranger today, and asked them to tell you what that word means to them, theres a very high chance that you would get one of the following respon

Season 2: Episode Eight and 1/2: Halloween Shorts
October 29, 2021

Hey everyone and welcome back to Unearthed Memphis! Im Alan and Im Tara We hope you enjoyed our last episode about Memphis Hoodoo and the St. Paul Spiritual Holy Temple. I did! Im still googl

Season 2: Episode Eight: Memphis Hoodoo & St. Paul’s Spiritual Holy Temple
October 16, 2021

Since its spooky season, I thought we could talk a little about a Memphis urban legend What do you think is one of the most well known urban legends? Id probably say, Voodoo Village. That

Season 2: Episode Seven: Lorenzo Pacini & Pee Wee’s Saloon
August 15, 2021

This episode came from an idea in a book I saw at Novel, our wonderful locally owned and operated bookstore.While browsing in the Local Memphis section, I saw this book, Memphis Castles - Former Hom

Season 2: Episode Six: 1969 Miss Memphis Review
June 28, 2021

We have to thank a supporter/friend that weve yet to meet, Jerry, who sent us kind of a suggestion for this topic. On one of his daily walks, he took a picture of a plaque on the side of the Evergree

Season 2: Episode Five: Amro Music turns 100 years old!
May 23, 2021

So today were going to cover a topic that hits really close to home for us and by that, we mean that it helps to literally pay for us to live in our home. We are, of course, talking about a place o

Season 2: Episode Four: History of Memphis Breweries
April 25, 2021

Most Memphians will agree on one fact about their home city. Memphis has great tasting water. The water supply in Memphis comes from natural reservoirs hundreds of feet below the ground, and most of that water lies in sand aquifers that sit between lay...

Season Two: Episode Three: Memphis’s Oldest Eateries
March 22, 2021

Opening in the 1890s, the Bon Ton Cafe has been operating in some form or fashion in downtown Memphis. Apparently the cafe was originally a saloon in the late 1800s, but was then turned into a restaurant in 1904. Tony Angleos and Charlie Skinner,
