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Latest Episodes
Episode 10: We’re Back!
Hey all! Our first episode for 2016 is finally here. We get straight back into the world of advertising, looking at the MLA Australia Day ‘Operation Boomerang’ ad, ANZ’s #HeadbandForGood, the new Old Spice commercials and McDonalds new m
Episode 9: Necrophiliyaaas
In our final episode of the year we celebrate the end of our exams, discuss the good and bad of brands responding to tragedies, we talk about the recent negative publicity for Jeep and we look into the #condomemoji campaign. Finally, we finish up the epis
Episode 8: Becoming A Kardashian
Episode 8 is here! This week we discuss medical emergencies, trying to meet celebrities, brand focused and product focused advertising and the spectacular fail of #YourTaxis. As usual, we also play a few rounds of Ads Against Humanity. https://ia801503.us
Episode 7: Michelle Bridges’ Fiery Poops Challenge
Episode 7 covers the new Coke campaign, Storyful, the Snapchat update, Volvo Life Paint and some Halloween commercials. Of course, we also play a few rounds of Ads Against Humanity! https://ia601502.us.archive.org/29/items/Episode7MichelleBridgesFieryPoop
Episode 6: STD Free Since ’93
GAYTMs, GAYSBS and more gay fun on this week’s really gay podcast. https://ia601502.us.archive.org/29/items/Episode7MichelleBridgesFieryPoopsChallenge/Episode%206%20-%20STD%20Free%20Since%20'93.mp3Filed under: podcast, podcasts
Episode 5: Boy Am I Lactating
Episode 5 looks into the recent ads for Extra gum and Brownes Dairy, YouTube Red and adult colouring books. We also ponder how to sell lactation, boobytrapping your house and multiple stab wounds in a game of Ads Against Humanity. https://ia601502.us.arch
Episode 4: This Is My Hump
In Episode 4 we discuss the award winning #laceitup campaign, GPY&R’s work for Melanoma Patients Australia, the controversy surrounding Adam Goodes, Playboy covering up and how to sell “my humps”. https://ia601506.us.archive.org/33/i
Episode 3: Silver Porn
This episode looks at Netflix and Optus with Ricky Gervais, Nova entertainment’s promotion of Game of Thrones around Sydney and Escape Rooms. As usual, we also play a few rounds of Ads Against Humanity woo! https://ia601507.us.archive.org/9/items/Ep
Episode 2: Monitor Your Shit
Tic Tacs, Airlines, Game of Thrones and Social Media fails all in this week's episode. We also play another game of Ads Against Humanity and stress the importance of brands monitoring their shit!
Episode 1: Basically What The Jizz Is
In our first ever episode we talk Barbie, bus tickets, treadmill desks and Facebook emojis, and had a quick game of Ads Against Humanity!