The Unbreakable You Podcast

The Unbreakable You Podcast

Episode #124: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea Recovery Q & A with Meg Doll and Dani Sheriff (Part 2)

August 12, 2020

Dani Sheriff and I are back at it this week with part TWO of Hypothalamic Amenorrhea Q & A to celebrate my one year anniversary of getting my period back! We received so many questions from our listeners and want to be sure we do our best at answering them all, so this is part 2 (listen to last week for part 1) and there will be a part 3 after we take a brief pause next week while Dani is away on a backpacking trip.

Here are the questions answered in this week's episode:

Did you have a "straw that broke the camel's back" moment that pushed you over the edge and into HA recovery?
Are there magic food tips for getting your period back?
Do either of you attempt to sync your cycle in any way?
How do you deal with waiting for period #2?
How long after HA recovery do I have to maintain my recovery calorie amount?

My Instagram post about eating for your cycle:

Follow Dani and I on Instagram:

You can find Dani @danisheriff and you can find me (Meg!) @iammegdoll

Stay tuned for part 3 in two weeks: August, 26th 2020!