Bro & Sis Show

My Open Letter :Episode 018
We began with a story of why time whom suppose to heal, only extends the pain of non forgiveness. A letter of openness, a responsive warranted on word that give life to a life that has yet to receive the true diary of transparency. The sound of a mighty Lion that roars shaken the echos of what we call universe. The heart ready, longing to be kissed by the Sun to erupt the morning dew, that gently breaks away in a new day, returning with
Serenity , a peace that surrenders wiring for the sake of non only to fight for some, this love will be , you and me , i am that reflection of you,, the window that shows our transparency. Seeing through each other as we explore satisfaction, a letter of invisible words releasing moisture and warm thoughts of why passon truly exist. The welcoming of the enclosure of why its purpose to receive with a point of view of no return.
Light is to open the door to a dark soul that purpose is led by the misunderstanding..........of those before him/her.........B.Cherry