Bro & Sis Show

2018 Energy Poem Don’t Give up : Episode 009
Who we are is determine by how much we can handle. Pressure burst pipes. How do I continue to be this positive realm of energy when time that has no time creates unwarranted pain. The crime , the facades, the violence, the lack of compassion , the country that fails us daily , the non unity. We are in a time when the struggle has become so real that some has no more feelings. The daunting of a new day that is far worse than yesterday. I say to those haunting voices, do not give in to what you feel. Give In to what made you who you are. You are what you feel and I know when there is no solutions , there is loss of hope. Hold on!!
If you are one who has loss desire and on the verge of quitting, look deeply into our solutions that we have for communities, dont allow your loneliness to control your narrative. Put your mind in the mind frame of success, we have solutions but you must work it to make those solutions work for your life. Don't let anyone tell you, that you cannot do what you was called to do.
We are fighting and competing to lose and have been brainwashed to believe that one is better than the next when we are not the 1 percentile!!! B.Cherry