United Methodist Church of Kent Sermon Podcast
Latest Episodes
The Real King
Does the world seem out of control, so often in the hands of corrupt, evil, or incapable leaders? The gospel brings a message of great hope and assurance – that beyond outward appearances there is One on the throne whose power is infinite,
Give Thanks
As we approach Thanksgiving, do we have real reason for thanks, or more reason to grumble? The Scriptures give us a whole new perspective.
Aim for the Glory of God
Why do we do what we do? Usually, we are aiming for our own advantage. There is a transformation of life that occurs when we aim higher – for the glory of God.
Saint You
Are you a saint? We may feel far less than saintly, but the grace of Christ changes the picture.
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
In a world full of trouble and threat, is there any sure defense? We can find strength, confidence, and ultimate triumph through Christ.
Stand in Faith
What is your purpose? Where is your life directed? Is there anything on which you would stake your life? We can find genuine purpose through Christ.
When in the garden, Mary “turned” and saw Jesus. In Ezekiel, God calls the children of Israel to “repent and turn.” Repentance is turning away from that which is sinful and turning to God.
Encountering the Spirit in a Material World
God is both beyond this world and within it. We can encounter God’s saving power within the ordinary elements of our lives.
We Are All First String
Human beings like to create hierarchies, but Christ levels the playing field. We all have direct access to God, and we all have an extremely important call.
Christ Alone
Can you make up your own spirituality? People often do; but if we want to truly experience God’s saving power, we need to take hold of the answer that God provides – Jesus Christ.