Ultimate Spin: The Spider-Man podcast about Marvel Comics' Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen Stacy

Ultimate Spin: The Spider-Man podcast about Marvel Comics' Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen Stacy

Episode 48: Second Date, Third Wheel (Spider-Gwen 17)

February 26, 2017

(Recorded February 25, 2017)
Haven’t read it yet? Pick up this issue today at Comixology!
In this episode, Brian, Jack, and Kyle jump back to Earth-616 to keep up with our new Spider-Couple in Spider-Gwen #17! Plus, your feedback!

* 0:00 – Intro
* 1:41 – Spider-Gwen #17 – Framing the story vs. telling it. A focus on character vs. spectacle (similar to 2016’s Spider-Women crossover). A third wheel on a second date?  Our heroes unmasking: Scripting or Artistic call? Despite the initial fan reaction, is the whole “romance angle” despite fan reaction much ado about nothing?
* 17:50 – Our three-word summaries of Spider-Gwen #17

* 19:09 – Listener Feedback: More thoughts on potential creative voices
* 21:46 – Outro. What did *you* think of this issue (and Gwen and Miles getting together)? Let us know!
* 25:10 – ???

Stuff that we mentioned in this episode:

* Miles and Kamala’s flirting (?) in Spider-Man #3
* All-New Ultimates
* Spider-Man #14 cover ; the original ASM Annual (Superior Spider-Talk’s discussion of that issue) ; and fun tribute commission by Chris Giarusso
* David F. Walker on Comixology (Power Man and Iron Fist, Shaft)
* Author Daniel José Older
* Chris Hastings on Comixology (Gwenpool, Dr. McNinja)
* Kelly Thompson on Comixology (A-Force, Hawkeye)
* Jeph Jacques’ Questionable Content
* Danielle Corsetto’s Girls With Slingshots
* David Willis’ Dumbing of Age
* Author Charlie Jane Anders

Also check out:

* Jack’s website;  Jack’s show: Inter-Comics Podcast; Inter-Comics Patreon;
* Brian’s Twitter/Instagram/Podcasts/assorted nonsense
* Our recap music courtesy of Chris Postill at Sounds Like An Earful


* Ultimate Spin at iTunes
* Ultimate Spin at Stitcher
* Ultimate Spin at Google Play
