Ultimate Spin: The Spider-Man podcast about Marvel Comics' Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen Stacy

Ultimate Spin: The Spider-Man podcast about Marvel Comics' Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen Stacy

Episode 47: One Small Step (Spider-Man 13)

February 19, 2017

(Recorded February 18, 2017)
Haven’t read it yet? Pick up this issue today at Comixology!
In this episode, Brian, Kyle, and Jack share an interesting Brian Michael Bendis Q&A excerpt about Miles’s reaction to Danika’s video and check in with Spider-Man #13! Plus, your feedback!

* 0:00 – Intro
* 1:42 – A cool Q&A opportunity: Brian asks Bendis about introducing the topic of race in Spider-Man #2.
* 8:23 – Spider-Man #13 – The challenge of maintaining momentum while shifting narrative styles. Jefferson-65 is the Scorpion…but is that not enough to carry the issue?
* 19:40 – Our three-word summaries of Spider-Man #13.
* 20:20 – Kyle Presents: Listener Feedback. What could Miles and Gwen’s kiss *really* be about? Is Miles due for a major push to tie in with his upcoming movie? We kick around ideas for worthy hypothetical successors to the writers’ chairs. Is it time for a Miles Annual?
* 30:57 – Outro. What did *you* think of this issue (and Gwen and Miles getting together)? Let us know!

Stuff that we mentioned in this episode:

* Superior Spider-Talk’s review of Spider-Man #13
* Midtown Comics Q&A with Brian Michael Bendis (and who’s that handsome fellow in the second row?)
* Brian’s personal response to that moment in Spider-Man #2
* John Fashanu: AWOOGA
* Doctor Who Mega Power-Up Kiss
* A slightly more mature summary of Spider-Man Reign
* Miles guests in The Unbelievable Gwenpool#5
* Mark Waid talks about writing Archie
* Jason Reynolds (plus: info on his upcoming Miles novel and our sneak peek of the first few chapters)
* Lin-Manuel Miranda
* Ta-Nahesi Coates talks about writing Black Panther
* Matt Fraction

Also check out:

* Jack’s website;  Jack’s show: Inter-Comics Podcast; Inter-Comics Patreon
* Brian’s Twitter/Instagram/Podcasts/assorted nonsense
* Our recap music courtesy of Chris Postill at Sounds Like An Earful


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