Ultimate Spin: The Spider-Man podcast about Marvel Comics' Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen Stacy

Ultimate Spin: The Spider-Man podcast about Marvel Comics' Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen Stacy

Episode 39: Hit a Six and Spike the Ball (Spider-Gwen #12)

October 02, 2016

(Recorded October 1, 2016)

In this episode, Brian and Jack are dazed into indifference by Civil War II and briefly discuss Gwen's animated debut before getting into the astonishing conclusion to Weapon of Choice in Spider-Gwen #12.

* 0:00 – Intro
* 1:17 – What is going on with Civil War II? Never mind Cap, why do this to Miles? Gwen on television!

* 9:00 –A finale that not only delivers, but takes surprising turns as the creative team raises the bar even further. Understanding the Punisher and the core themes of the series. An issue that warrants a re-read (or two).
* 27:45 – Your reactions to this issue! Our three-word summaries. What do *you* think of issue #12? Let us know!
* 32:11 – Outro. Want to review Miles and Gwen for Superior Spider-Talk? Get in touch with the team!

Stuff that we mentioned in this episode:

* Brian's review of Spider-Gwen #12 at Superior Spider-Talk
* Superior Spider-Talk is looking for Miles reviewers!
* Superior Spider-Talk Civil War II #5 review
* Minority Report
* Clip of Gwen the Web Warrior!
* Batman Beyond
* Our interview with Jason Latour
* Punisher 101
* Hit A Six
* Spike The Ball
* Kyle's American Debut!!

Also check out:

* Kyle on Twitter
* Kyle's site: Nerds Unchained. Interested in writing for the site? Just let Kyle know!
* Jack on Twitter; Jack's show: Inter-Comics Podcast
* Brian's site
* Our opening theme courtesy of Chris Postill at Sounds Like An Earful

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Thank you for listening! We'd love to hear from you: Send us your comments at feedback@ultimatespinpodcast.com! If you send us an mp3 with a comment or question, we'll feature it in the show!
