

012 - Humble Smile Foundation

August 31, 2018

The Humble Smile Foundation led by Dr. Darren Weiss develop and deliver programmes and initiatives that inform, educate and help to prevent oral disease in vulnerable people who often have never seen let alone used a toothbrush.

Dr. Darren Weiss is doing some absolutely incredible deeply impactful work. It was an honor to be able to hear some of his first-hand experiences. He is really rolling the sleeves up to get to the core issues of Oral Health which he feels strongly connected to. I had the feeling when speaking with him that he feels a certain moral obligation to do the work that he is being called to do. I have endless respect for his contribution to the world.

The Humble Smile Foundation are a group of dental and dental hygiene professionals and students who have chosen to humble help people in the most vulnerable areas of the world. They passionately believe that good oral health is a basic human right.

Their vision is to help prevent suffering caused by oral disease.

They also address the ecological threat posed by the mass production of hard plastic toothbrushes by promoting biodegradable alternatives.

After 22 years as a clinician in private dentistry in Australia and Israel, and a few more years as a corporate oral health promotion consultant, Dr Darren Weiss now directs all his efforts towards the maximal impact on global oral disease.
