Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network

Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network

Why Study Early Childhood Education in High School

September 16, 2024

This week on Homeschool Highschool Podcast: Why Study Early Childhood Education in High School.

Why Study Early Childhood Education in High School?

One of the most fun and practical electives your homeschool high schooler can take is Early Childhood Education. While it’s not a required course for graduation, it’s a fantastic choice for career exploration and life preparation. Why study early childhood education in high school, you might be wondering? Jump in and let’s explore why it can be such a valuable and enjoyable part of your child’s homeschool curriculum.

Early Childhood Education (ECE) is an elective course designed to teach teens about the growth and development of young children, especially preschoolers. 

With 7Sisters Homeschool’s Early Childhood Education, your teen will get a chance to learn how young children grow, the different educational philosophies that influence early childhood education, and some practical teaching ideas. 

Whether your teen is babysitting or simply has younger siblings, they’ll come away with useful skills that they can apply immediately.

The best part about this curriculum? 

It’s simple and straightforward. Like all 7SistersHomeschool courses, it avoids busy work and is designed to inspire rather than bore students. 

This course takes teens through key topics like educational philosophies (think Montessori or Charlotte Mason) and lesson planning, helping them understand how to create fun and engaging activities for young kids.

Why Should Your Teen Take An Early Childhood Education High School Course?

There are several great reasons why your teen should consider taking an early childhood education in high school years:

It Adds Power to Their Transcript

ECE can serve as a “sparkle elective,” which is an elective that shows your teen’s ability to develop interests, life skills, and dive into potential future career paths. 

If your teen is interested in education, social sciences, or psychology, Early Childhood Education is a perfect elective to boost their transcript and help them stand out to colleges.

Career Exploration

Early Childhood Education offers a chance for your teen to explore potential careers, whether they’re interested in teaching, working with children, or even psychology. 

For teens already studying courses like human development or psychology, ECE pairs perfectly and can level up their overall learning experience. 

If your teen is thinking about going into social sciences or education, this course will give them a head start.

Life Preparation

Many teens will become parents someday, and an early childhood education high school course provides them with valuable insights into the developmental and educational needs of preschool-aged children. 

Understanding how little ones learn and grow prepares teens for future parenting roles and gives them confidence when caring for young children, whether it’s their own or while babysitting.

Curriculum Highlights

The 7SistersHomeschool Early Childhood Education course includes a mix of theory and practical application. Here’s what your teen can expect:

  • Child Development: The course starts with an introduction to the physical and cognitive development of preschool-aged children. Teens learn what makes preschoolers tick and how they grow and learn during those crucial early years. (BTW- this text works well, alongside Human Development.)
  • Educational Philosophies: The curriculum covers key early childhood education theorists, like Maria Montessori and Charlotte Mason, and helps teens understand the various approaches to teaching young children. Each chapter also includes fun activities based on these educational theories, giving students the chance to apply what they’ve learned.
  • Practical Skills: Your teen will also get to work on practical classroom management and lesson planning skills—essential tools for working with young kids. They’ll even have the opportunity to design their own lesson plans for preschoolers and present them as part of a final project.
  • Final Project: At the end of the course, students will create their own lesson plans and share them with their co-op or family. This hands-on experience helps reinforce the skills and knowledge they’ve gained throughout the course.

Early Childhood Education as a Mission Field

One unique aspect of studying Early Childhood Education in high school is its potential as a mission field. A mission field is a place where individuals can serve and impact the lives of others through education and mentorship. 

In today’s world, many parents are career-focused and rely on daycare for their children. By learning about early childhood education, your teen can serve in this important area – helping to meet the needs of young children with love and care. 

This course encourages teens to view working with children as a way to invest in young lives and even plant seeds of the gospel. It’s a wonderful opportunity for teens to think about how they can make a difference in the lives of others.

It’s Fun!

Last but certainly not least, taking an Early Childhood Education is just plain fun! Teens who take our 7Sisters ECE course often find it to be a lighthearted and enjoyable way to learn. 

The activities are engaging, and the lessons are designed to keep students interested. 

Whether your teen is serious about pursuing a career in early childhood education or just wants a fun elective, they’re bound to enjoy this course.

Why Study Early Childhood Education in High School

Early Childhood Education is a valuable elective that offers so much more than just academic credit. It enhances your teen’s transcript, provides career exploration opportunities, equips them with life skills, and offers a unique chance to serve in a mission field. 

Thank you for Seth Tillman for editing this podcast and for Richie Soares with Homeschool and Humor for writing this blog post!


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