Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network

Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network

Learning with Micro:bit

June 12, 2024

Learning with Micro Bit

278: Learning with Micro:bit

Guest Joseph Lemke shares with us how he is learning with Micro:bit and why this is a great way for students to explore coding.

What is a Micro:bit?

  • programmable microcontroller, like a tiny computer
  • has built in sensors like temperature, gyroscope, compass, microphone, speaker, touch button, blue tooth antennae to talk to other microbits and your phone
  • has enough computing power to do a lot of things

What are the strengths of Micro:bit?

  • it’s a good starting microcontroller because has a good programming platform
  • microsoft makecode – graphical platform or text code
  • micropython is another option

How do I get started?

  1. Purchase a starter kit for about  $25 on Amazon.
  2. Go to Makecode.microbit.org, and work through the Tutorials

What are some of the favorite projects you’ve made with micro:bit?

  • drink dispenser
  • controlled dot matrix printer from the 80’s
  • Borg costume
  • fingerprint reader for light switch

Take a look at show sponsor, FundaFunda Academy to see what they offer for online classes and web-based unit studies.

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