Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network

Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network

A Young Author’s Journey in the Writing Process

April 01, 2024

This week on Homeschool Highschool Podcast- Teen Publishes A Book: A Young Author’s Journey in the Writing Process.

A Young Author's Journey in the Writing Process

Teen Publishes A Book: A Young Author’s Journey in the Writing Process

Homeschooling offers a unique opportunity for kids to explore their passions and discover hidden talents. One such talented young person is Sophia Errico, a young author who found her passion for writing through homeschooling. Sophia joins Vicki to share her journey about writing her first book. Join us in Sophia’s writing process of her book, The Tree House, along with the valuable lessons she has learned along the way.

About Sophia Errico, a Young Author

Sophia Errico’s homeschooling journey began when her parents made the decision to switch her from public school after the pandemic hit. Initially, it was an adjustment, but she soon realized the benefits of more flexible learning. Homeschooling allowed her to dedicate more time to her love for writing, as she could create her own academic schedule (rather than spending eight hours a day in class). Sophia found herself finishing her assignments earlier, giving her ample time to pursue her passion.

A Young Author’s Journey in the Writing Process

Sophia’s love for writing blossomed when she joined a writer’s group led by teacher, Miss Keri in our Cousin Cheryl Carter‘s Creative Classrooms at Outschool. This group provided a safe space for Sophia to share her work and receive valuable feedback from her mentor. 

And through her online writing group, the constructive criticism she received helped her grow as a writer and refine her storytelling skills. Sophia also credits her editor for their guidance in shaping her book, The Tree House, into its final form.

The Birth of The Tree House

Inspired by classic TV shows and drawing from her own public school experiences, Sophia was inspired to write her first book, The Tree House. The story revolves around protagonist Chris, a young boy striving to be a better person, and how his world is turned upside down when a new friend joins their group. 

Sophia’s writing process involves allowing ideas to flow as she writes. She welcomes the ebb and flow of inspiration, occasionally facing writer’s block but always pushing through it. 

Sophia emphasizes the importance of editing and revising, acknowledging the valuable input of her editor and mentor, Miss Keri, and her own evolving understanding of writing. She was able to receive her criticism with an open mind and then use that to modify her writing into the masterpiece it is today. 

This is a wise process that could be an obstacle to overcome by even adults in the writing process, but Sophia took the edit suggestions and ran with them! She admits she is much happier with the way it turned out than the way it started. 

And Sophia did exactly what a good writer does – skillfully incorporated these suggestions and feedback to enhance the storytelling inside The Tree House.

The Treehouse by Sophia Errico

The Impact of Homeschooling on Writing

Homeschooling has played a pivotal role in Sophia’s writing journey. With fewer distractions and a more flexible schedule, she has been able to dedicate substantial time to her craft. 

Sophia believes that her homeschooling experience has allowed her to develop her writing skills at a young age. This gave her a head start in pursuing her dreams.

She states:

The cool thing about homeschooling is you can get the lessons out of the way and have more time for writing as opposed to sitting in a traditional classroom for seven or eight hours a day. Even though homeschooling was a little weird to start with [coming from a public school setting], it turned out to be a good thing for developing your talents

Teen Publishes A Book

Sophia’s advice to aspiring young authors is simple yet profound: don’t be afraid to put your work out there. She encourages young writers to seek feedback and embrace constructive criticism as a means of growth. She believes that age should not be a barrier to pursuing one’s passion and encourages young authors to start honing their skills and sharing their stories with the world.

Sophia Errico’s journey as a young author showcases the power of homeschooling in nurturing creativity and fostering personal growth. Her dedication to her craft, combined with the support of her homeschooling community, has allowed her to achieve remarkable success in writing her very first book with an editor’s input. 

Sophia’s story serves as an inspiration to all young teens who aspire to pursue their passions and make a difference through their creativity. We eagerly await her future literary endeavors, and the next book in this series of The Tree House, and encourage young authors everywhere to unleash their creative potential!

Connect with Young Teen Author, Sophia Errico

Look for The Tree House on Amazon by Sophia Errico. It’s a real, physical book, not a PDF. 

And for novice writers, who are not ready to write an entire book, check out 7Sisters Short Story Writing Guides. Novice writers begin with a fun, family narrative. Then they have a rip-roaring time creating a tall tale. They are then ready to write a myth-fantasy short story in the style of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.

Thank you to Seth Tillman for editing this podcast and to Richie Soares with Homeschool & Humor for writing this blog post!

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