Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network

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Do’s And Don’ts Of Teen Rebellion
Hey, homeschoolers! This weekend I met a fellow homeschooler who was down about her homeschooled child's rebellion. She wondered if homeschooling had even been worth it because of what was happening.
History of Black Homeschooling with Dr Cheryl Fields-Smith
This week on Homeschool Highschool Podcast: History of Black Homeschooling with Dr Cheryl Fields-Smith. History of Black Homeschooling with Dr Cheryl Fields-Smith It's Black History Month! This is the
Healthy Marriage Tips
Caring for your marriage is essential; a healthy marriage takes work from two spouses. Is there a right or wrong way to approach marriage? Felice Gerwitz shares some of her favorite tips for strengthe
Struggling Learners and When to Get Help – MBFLP 143
Struggling Learners: When to Get Help Labels or Not? - Sponsored by NOW Programs. - How desperate we are to avoid labeling our kids! And with good reason ... if they're in a classroom setting, maybe.
What Homeschooling Does To A Marriage – HIRL Episode 17
What Homeschooling Does to a Marriage You are going to want to grab your spouse for this episode! Fletch and Kendra dive right into the middle of the topic and discuss how the stress of homeschooling
3 Online Cybersecurity Games
311: 3 Online Cybersecurity Games These online cybersecurity games are a great way to teach students about how to keep safe online - and what exactly is involved in careers in this field. Games Review
The $1 Burrito
The $1 burrito that transformed how I teach In this episode of Its Not About Money, Charla shares a pivotal parenting story featuring her son, Jack, and a $1 burrito that sparked a deeper understand
Jesus And Your Messy House
Hey, homeschoolers! I loved having Dana K. White of A Slob Comes Clean on the podcast to discuss the container concept for clutter. If you missed that one, it's gold. - When I heard she had a new book
Cool Online Homeschool Resource Hub: IndyEd!
This week on the Homeschool Highschool Podcast: Cool Online Homeschool Resource Hub: IndyEd! - Cool Online Homeschool Resource Hub: IndyEd! There are so many homeschool resources available these day
Valentine’s Day Fun for the Whole Family
Valentines Day Fun for the Whole Family In Valentines Day Fun for the Whole Family, episode #225, Meredith Curtis answers the question: Is Valentines Day just about romance? Nope! Its a great da