Local 591 PodCast

Local 591 PodCast

Latest Episodes

Episode 20 – Benefits Discussion with Benefits Director Tony Lepore
February 17, 2022

Local President Gary Schaible is joined by Local 591 Benefits Director Tony Lepore to discuss current benefits.

Episode 19: When a Holiday Falls on your Vacation Days
February 07, 2022

TWU Local 591 President Gary Schaible is joined by Executive Board Member Russ Dittmer to discuss Article 23Q of the MNR & MLS contracts and how to approach scheduling time off when holidays fall duri

Episode 18: Don't Give the Company Your Hard Earned Money - the Importance of 401K Matching
January 08, 2022

Local 591 President Gary Schaible is joined by Local 591 Executive Board Member Russ Dittmer to discuss the current 401K enrollment requirements and options, and asks the question; "Are you leaving ha

ASAP TechOps PodCast - Episode 7 - A Decade of "Just Culture" & "Just Policy"
April 05, 2021

TWU Air Divisions Brad Brugger talks about the history, implementation, and success of Just Culture and Just Policy at American Airlines and why its so important.

TechOps ASAP PodCast Episode 5 Part 1 - The Origins of ASAP and "Just Culture"
November 23, 2020

Host, TWU Air Division’s Brad Brugger is joined in studio by the IAM’s Bud Brown and special guest Scott Griffith, affectionately known as “The Godfather of ASAP“, in this multi-part episode in which Scott talks about the origins of ASAP,

The Association TechOps/ASAP PodCast: Episode 4 - Collaboration of The Association and the APA with Captain John DeLeeuw
November 02, 2020

Brad Brugger is joined by American Airlines pilot Captain John DeLeeuw to discuss the collaboration between the APA and the TWU/IAM regarding ASAP and other safety measures.

TechOps ASAP PodCast: with Guest Terry Kelly PhD – Part Two – Safety Culture
October 20, 2020

Host Brad Brugger is joined in the second of a two part interview with Dr. Terry Kelly PhD, a professor in the Aviation Science department of Saint Louis University’s Parks College of Engineering, Aviation & Technology, to discuss the ASAP Program,

TechOps ASAP PodCast: with Guest Terry Kelly PhD - Part One - ASAP Program
September 28, 2020

Host Brad Brugger is joined in the first of a two part interview with Dr. Terry Kelly PhD, a professor in the Aviation Science department of Saint Louis University’s Parks College of Engineering, Aviation & Technology, to discuss the ASAP Program,

Episode 00017 Payroll Support Program Call To Action
September 15, 2020

TWU Local 591 President Gary Schaible delivers a call to action for TWU Local 591 Union Members to take action by contacting their members of Congress to demand they continue the Payroll Support Program by passing an extension to the CARES Act.

TechOps ASAP PodCast
September 04, 2020

Local 591 is proud to post the inaugural episode of the TWU-IAM Association, TechOps ASAP PodCast featuring host Safety of Flight and Compliance Coordinator Brad Brugger, along with TechOps ASAP ERC members Bud Brown from the IAM and Joe Absalon from T...