Kids Considered™

Kids Considered™

Safe sleep & Breastfeeding- What's new?

September 21, 2022

Today’s episode is an evidence-based update regarding the new American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) 2022  guidelines for safe sleep and breastfeeding. 

Most parents know that the safest way for babies to sleep is on their back, alone in their crib with nothing else in the crib.  Practices that are known to be highest risk for sleep-related deaths include sleeping on a soft surface, sleeping with someone under the influence of drugs or alcohol, prematurity, and being less than 4 months of age. The new recommendations expand to include avoiding inclined sleep surfaces and recommend avoiding hats, weighted sleep sacks, and wearable monitoring devices. 

The AAP has also changed their guidelines to highlight the benefits of breastfeeding for both mom and baby for up to 2 years or as long as mutually desired. The update provided on breastfeeding is aimed at helping to gain support from employers and medical providers, as well as working to eliminate disparities in breastfeeding. 

Listen to today’s episode for the complete update and more information on safe sleeping practices and breastfeeding guidelines. 

This episode was written by Dr. Lena van der List,  Dr. Dean Blumberg and Abby Michalak 

Supplemental information

2022 AAP sleep guidelines

2022 AAP breastfeeding & use of human milk guidelines

How to Keep Your Sleeping Baby Safe: AAP Policy Explained -

Breastfeeding: AAP Policy Explained -