Kids Considered™

Kids Considered™

Preparing For Medical Procedures

January 04, 2021

Some children are fearful about going to the doctor’s office or painful procedures such as routine immunizations or stitches.  We discuss several conventional as well as alternative techniques to help minimize pain as well as lessen fear and anxiety in children.  Our guest, pediatrician Dr. Cherie Ginwalla who specializes in pediatric pain medicine, lets us know about practical methods for parents to help their children.  Child Life Specialists are great with assisting children with procedures, and there are other available options depending on the child’s age including breastfeeding, sucrose, breathing techniques and meditation.
This episode written by Drs. Cherie Ginwalla, Lena van der List and Dean Blumberg.
We thank Dr. Cherie Ginwalla, a Pediatric Hospitalist who specializes in palliative care at UC Davis Children's Hospital, for joining us for this episode, although Drs. Lena and Dean take full responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Supplemental Information:

* Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Preparing for Hospitalization and Medical Procedures

* Verywell Family Mindfulness Tricks to Keep Kids Calm at the Doctor

* Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Before, During, and After Shots

* Seattle Children’s Hospital 6 Tips For Successful Shot Visits

* Healthy Children Managing a Child’s Pain After Surgery: Parent FAQs

Photo from The Valerie Fund