Kids Considered™

Kids Considered™

Coronavirus–Focus on Vaccine–Special Update Edition 9 December 2020

December 12, 2020

In this special episode, Dr. Lena and Dr. Dean talk about vaccines developed for the novel coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic. We discuss the speed of COVID-19 vaccine development, how vaccines work in general, and pay particular attention to the novel mRNA vaccines.  Is it possible to get COVID from the vaccine?  What about side effects, is the follow up period from studies long enough?  Who will be prioritized to receive vaccine first in the US, and why?  Why are 2 vaccine doses needed?  Will those vaccinated be able to throw away their masks?  How far along are COVID-19 vaccine studies in children?  We discuss these questions and more in this episode.
Note that the information provided was accurate at the time this episode was recorded, and that this is a rapidly changing situation.
This episode written by Drs. Dean Blumberg and Lena van der List.
Additional information:

* CA Notify

* UC Davis Children’s Hospital Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources for parents

Photo from Science News.