Kids Considered™

Reflux in infants and newborns
In this episode we are joined by Dr. Daphne Say, pediatric gastroenterologist at UC Davis to discuss the all consuming topic of infant spit up, reflux and GERD. We discuss why this is so common in infants and which infants are more at risk. We review some signs that this may be evolving from a laundry problem (this is the most common!) to a medical problem. We also discuss ways to improve reflux symptoms- from positional techniques, to maternal diets, formulas and thickened feeds. We also review commonly used medications and the risks and benefits associated.
We thank Dr. Say for joining us on this episode, although Drs. Lena & Dean take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
HealthyChildren.Org- GERD and Reflux
Gastroesophageal Reflux: Management Guidance for the Pediatrician | Pediatrics