Two Mormon Guys - LDS

Ep. 02: Saved by Grace
In this episode, Josh and Dallan explore whether it is by grace that we are saved or whether it is through our works.
Show Notes:
Saved by grace alone:
Eph. 2.8-9 (,9?lang=eng#7) | 2 Cor. 12.9 ( | 2 Ne. 2.4 ( | 2 Ne. 10.24 (
Saved by works:
Rom. 6.15-17 ( | James 1.22 ( | James 2.17, 24 (,24?lang=eng#16) | Matt. 7.20-21 (
Saved by grace and works combined:
Titus 2.11-14 ( | 2 Ne. 25.23 (
His Grace is Sufficient by Brad Wilcox (
People of King Benjamin "mighty change of heart" (Mosiah 5.2) (
King Benjamin's response to the people (Mosiah 5.7) (
Climbing a Ladder Quote (Joseph Smith) (
Salvation by Grace Alone? ( (
"All we can do" referring to repentance (Alma 24.11) (
Final thoughts:
We are saved by grace completely; however, doing good works enables grace to change us. If we allow the grace of Jesus Christ to change us, then doing good works continually becomes second nature.
True repentance allows the grace of Christ to change us. When we become changed, it is easy and natural to choose to do good works continually.
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