Two Mormon Guys - LDS

Ep. 01: Love Thyself
In this episode, Josh and Dallan explore why we're so hard on ourselves, God's love, how to better love ourselves, thought patterns, and more. Show Notes: Shrink the Gap by Jason Wright (Deseret News) For God so loved the world (John 3.16) God is love (1 John 4.7-11) The Grandeur of God by Jeffrey R. Holland Those who are healthy need not a physician (Mark 2.17) Be ye therefore perfect (Matt 5.48) God is liberal and merciful (Joseph Smith) Interview with Bruce Lipton (Petri Dishes) [2m33s] Mysteries of the Mind (Neuroscientist Article) Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly (D&C 121.45) Sacrament Prayers (D&C 20.77, 79) Train up a child in the way he should go... (Prov. 22.6) Love your enemies (Matt. 5.44) Free Throw Visualization (Tony Robbins) [15m00s] Example of Positive Affirmations (Louise Hay) Whatever you ask for in faith, doubting nothing, you will receive: Mark 11.22-24 | James 1.5-6 | 3 Ne. 18.20 | Morm. 9.21 | Moro. 10.4 | D&C 29.6 Be okay as you are now and you can make changes (Louise Hay) [3m53s] If we served Him our whole lives, we'd still be unprofitable servants (Mosiah 2.21) Wherefore, my guilt was swept away (Enos 1.6) Final thoughts: Believe that God loves you. Accept that He loves you. And feel His love for you. Start to love yourself. Be kind, gentle, patient, and merciful with yourself. LISTEN FROM A MOBILE DEVICE Learn more about Mormons