Doctor Who: Two girls, a guy and a TARDIS

Doctor Who: Two girls, a guy and a TARDIS

Latest Episodes

Episode 22....Know Your Doctors!
November 19, 2013

This episode was recorded prior to the release of the minisode so we don't discuss that, but it was pretty awesome right? Anyway what do we discuss? Well, we go over some news, we also finish up our classic Doctor's discussion with the Seventh and Eight

Episode 21....Cricket, colorful coats and celery oh my!
November 08, 2013

In our 21st episode (that should've been posted on Monday but somebody forgot to post it -john) we go over some news and the ​Davison and Baker years. We also talk about the 50th along with some news. So enjoy!

Episode 20....Any Who is better than no Who
October 18, 2013

well, this is a long episode but worth it. We talk a little about the missing episodes, update Chicago TARDIS and discuss the Third (Jon Pertwee) and Fourth (Tom Baker) Doctors times. Oh yeah, Nicole also penis multiple times, but it is relevant to the

Episode 19....Old School part 1
September 16, 2013

So here it is, the long awaited episode 19. Where is episode 19 you ask? Apparently lost forever in E-Space and no amount of jiggery pokery or reversing the polarity of the neutron flow is going to get it back. Even a joint K-9 Chameleon effort couldn'

Episode 17....And the winner is.....Peter Capaldi!
August 20, 2013

So we decided to let the excitement die down a bit before we did our 12th Doctor episode, so here it is! Sarah joins us again as we discuss our hopes and dreams for the 12th Doctor. I split this episode into two parts, Episode 17 and 18. For now I'm jus

Episode 16....I Whovian
July 31, 2013

So in this episode, Busty Warren, writer of Don't Blink: A Doctor Who Burlesque, joins us and talks about the 50th, should there be a woman Doctor, if the sonic is getting used too much, Cybermen, Daleks, Strax, Jenny, Vastra and even some general sci-fi

Episode 15....Are your friends listening? They better be!
July 11, 2013

So sorry about the long hiatus between episodes, it was supposed to be two weeks, then stuff came up and it ended being three, well and a few days since I edited it and forgot to post it on Monday! But thanks for sticking with us! While there was no tim

Episode 14....Sarah in the TARDIS!
June 17, 2013

So in this episode, we talk to writer and blogger Sarah a.k.a Geek Girl Ramblings about her essay in the book "Outside In" which can be found here​ ​We also discuss her thoughts on series 7 as a whole, the s

Episode 13....The Name of Awesome!
May 25, 2013

Also, remember you don't have to listen on the website, you can grab the websites XML/RSS feed here or you can find us on the Zune marketplace, Stitcher radio or listen in any of the p

Episode 12....Nightmare with Children
May 16, 2013

Kids! Gosh do we love the little scamps....most of the time....In this episode we discuss our stance on spoilers, boxset gate (as I am calling it and we discuss Nightmare in Silver. Want to know what we think? Then I guess you better listen! Thanks and