TWiP Talks

TWiP Talks

Latest Episodes

TWiP RERUN: A Future of Photography: Pye Jirsa on AI’s Role in Post-Processing
September 07, 2023

In this trip RERUN episode, I sit down with Pye Jirsa, the visionary behind Impossible Things and their amazing AI Lightroom Plugin.

TWiP 1001: The Skeptical Photographer!
September 07, 2023

Join host Frederick Van Johnson and co-host Troy Miller for a candid discussion on A.I. and the Skeptical Photographer.' In this livestream, we'll delve into the skepticism surrounding artificial int

TWiP RERUN: A Conversation with Street Photographer Valérie Jardin
August 31, 2023

An interview about the traveling street photographer, with Valerie Jardin.

Get a “Handle” on the Future!
August 29, 2023

Larry Tiefenbrunn unveils Platypod's latest tool to revolutionize how photographers manage their camera and lighting equipment.

Video Editing in the Cloud, with
August 22, 2023

I sit down with Liza Kraff, Community Manager at, to discuss the cutting-edge world of cloud-based video editing.

Rise of the Pro iPhoneographer!
August 07, 2023

In this episode, we dive deep into the feasibility of using an iPhone for professional photography work.

Three Heads in a Row, with Kersten Luts
July 30, 2023

A deep dive into Kersten Luts' intriguing personal project, 'Three Heads in a Row.'

Reddit’s Unexpected Turn: Why It Matters to You | A Chat with Redditor Jeff Greenberg
July 21, 2023

Jeff Greenberg discusses the recent controversy surrounding Reddit's decision to start charging for access to its API.

The Uncertain Future of Photography, with Scott Wyden-Kivowitz
July 16, 2023

Scott Wyden-Kivowitz from the Imagen Workflows podcast on the future of photography.

AI and the Retoucher
July 06, 2023

This week, I talk AI with Pratik Naik, one of the most influential figures in high-end retouching and photography.