TWIG Cast (This Week in Grain)

TWIG Cast  (This Week in Grain)

This Week in Grain 9/29 PM Wrap

September 29, 2016

Dec Corn- 329’2 (unch)
Nov Soybeans- 950’6 (+5’2)
Dec Chicago Wheat- 399’4 (-3’6)
Dec KC Wheat- 417’2 (-4)
Dec Cotton- 67.58 (-.90)
Hello friends!
Slow day in the grain markets marked by middle of the road volume as folks position ahead of the stocks numbers tomorrow. Just a reminder this is a report on how many bushels the US had on had as of September 1, there wont be any yield updates until the Oct 12 WASDE report.
In today’s podcast we discuss DB fallout, export report data and the South American weather forecasts for planting.
Until tomorrow!