Liberation Is Possible

Liberation Is Possible

Latest Episodes

073: Getting to Know Clients Quickly
January 23, 2016

From the first contact we're learning things that will matter later in the session. The more we acknowledge that we're actually trying to get to know our client's quickly, the better we'll get at it. This episode includes some storytelling from the fie...

072: Letting Go in the Presence of Another
January 19, 2016

There are occasions when it's problematic if our client's "fall away" or "go to sleep" during our sessions. However most of the time it's an honor and potentially a very good sign when a client "let's go" in our presence.

Breaking the Silence that Goes On Too Long – Podcast #071
January 16, 2016

Summary: Silence is a critical and natural part of SE sessions. And yet sometimes it can go on too long. The client can sit there in silence while you explain things excessively. You as the clinician can sit there in silence while your client tal...

Working Eyes Open or Closed? – Podcast #070
January 12, 2016

Summary: To work eyes open or closed? That is the question. Rather than one way being "right" and the other "wrong," there are times when one or the other is more appropriate with a continuum between the extremes.

Clients with High Expectations – Podcast #069
January 09, 2016

Summary: A common challenge for SE Practitioners is accommodating clients who have high expectations for the success (or failure) of this work. Too often immediate demands from either the client or practitioner curtails curiosity,

Learning a New Terrain Takes Time – Podcast #068
January 05, 2016

Summary: Learning new things takes time. You need to experiment with all kinds of different combinations, try different things out, take note inside yourself on what works and what doesn't. Such things take time. -

Positive Deviancy Approach to SE Sessions – Podcast #067
January 02, 2016

Summary: Without a doubt, some sessions are smoother than others. Some work "like magic" while others can be a long slow torment for clients and practitioners alike. One thing to do is ask what the smooth sessions have in common and what attributes the...

Looking Back Looking Forward – Podcast #066
January 01, 2016

Summary: Today is January 1st, 2016. In celebration of starting another calendar year I've offered up a little meditation on Looking Back and Looking Forward. To get where we'd like to go is always a process. Things take time.

Winter Interlude Returning January 1st – Podcast Pause
December 22, 2015

Note: Sorry but for some reason iTunes isn't update as normal so you're probably only seeing this if it's fixed or you came to I'll get that fixed soon but not this moment. -

Pendulation…Is It Enough? – Podcast #065
November 14, 2015

Summary: There's a hope amongst many of us that if we can just "get this to Pendulate" than the task will be done - we can then sit back and watch the magic happen. I don't offer an exhaustive list of why that's a fantasy or incomplete appreciation of ...