Twenty Thousand Hertz

Twenty Thousand Hertz

Latest Episodes

The Sound of Extinction
December 27, 2016

When was the last time you heard a dial-up modem? A dot matrix printer? A CD dropping into its plastic tray? Did you know it would be the last time? We talk to Rick Adams, a British reporter, about the impact of Big Ben being silenced for repairs next...

The Mystery Hum and its Government Coverup
December 13, 2016

There's this place right at the border between Detroit, MI, and Windsor, ON where there's this hum… It rattles dishes, makes people sick, it's even making people move away. And the government does not want you to know what's making it. Explore the...

8-bit Sounds
November 29, 2016

Primitive, yet iconic, 8-bit audio defined a generation through video game sounds and music. Discover the history and innovation behind those audio marvels that still fascinate today. Featuring Microsoft Sound Designer, Zachary Quarles, and David...

The NBC Chimes
November 15, 2016

NBC’s three little chimes didn’t just define a television network, they defined a generation. Where did they come from and what is the surprising impact they have had on current and future media? Featuring the last person to play the NBC chimes on...

The Voice of Siri
October 31, 2016

When Siri launched in 2011, she permanently changed the way people interacted with their technology. What was it like to be the voice behind that voice? And how did they make that voice come to life? Featuring the original voice of Siri, voice actor...

October 31, 2016

Twenty Thousand Hertz: Stories about the world's most recognizable and interesting sounds. Presented by Defacto Sound.
