Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

222: The Mandatory Necessity of Men’s Groups with Jason Lange

December 31, 2019

Jason is a men’s embodiment coach, group facilitator, and evolutionary guide. He helps men drop in and wake up to deeper clarity in their life’s purpose and relationships. He believes every man should be in a men’s group for the growth and support opportunities they provide.

He is also the co-founder of the non-profit Authentic Los Angeles which teaches Authentic Relating tools that make the art of deep connection and community easy. Twice a month he hosts drop-in men’s groups in Los Angeles, and hosts deep dive Shadow Breakthrough Weekend’s for men ready to make massive shifts in their lives.

3:05 - Jason’s journey
7:00 - Being a misfit in school
10:03 - Authentic relating and Authentic Los Angeles
15:38 - Why men need to join men’s groups
22:00 - Having people to talk to other than your romantic partner
24:48 - The Shadow Breakthrough Weekend for Men
26:49 - The impact of not feeling emotions
30:10 - Groups that are just for men, versus those for men and women
33:42 - Competition between men

Find Jason at:
His men’s work at:
His next deep-dive weekend for men is on 18 and 19 January 2020, with details available at:

Don't forget to grab your copy of the Amazon bestseller unHidden: A Book For Men and Those Confused by Them. It's your easy-to-understand at-home guide to Robert’s living unHidden Framework. Get your copy today by visiting www.robertkandell.com/order

OR, grab your free audio section of the book if you want to take it for a spin before you buy. And we promise this is NOT like movie trailers where they grab all the best pieces. Unhidden is pure relationship gold https://robertkandell.com/freeaudio

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