Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

209: Stop Giving Yourself Away with Sydney Campos

October 01, 2019

Sydney Campos is a Visionary, Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Author of The Empath Experience: What To Do When You Feel Everything. Sydney guides visionary leaders to live in alignment with their soul purpose while embodying next-level power, pleasure and prosperity.

In addition to being a seasoned Business Strategy Advisor and Certified Holistic Health Coach, Sydney is also a 200-Hour Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Energy Healer, Azure Light Guardian and Certified Akashic Records Practitioner and Instructor. Sydney shares her multifaceted expertise through writing, 1:1 visionary mentoring, self-mastery courses, transformational retreats, live workshops and events, intuitive soul sessions and the acclaimed Visionary Souls Podcast.

2:33 - Sydney’s mission
6:53 - Her entry into her journey
12:41 - Misdiagnosing children
16:43 - Gun violence and cultural conditioning
22:53 - Ancestral trauma
27:21 - Sydney’s work
30:37 - The Quantum Creator Academy

Find Sydney at: www.SydneyCampos.com
Sydney’s Book “The Empath Experience: What to Do When You Feel Everything”:

Don't forget to grab your copy of the Amazon bestseller unHidden: A Book For Men and Those Confused by Them. It's your easy-to-understand at-home guide to Robert’s living unHidden Framework. Get your copy today by visiting www.robertkandell.com/order

OR, grab your free audio section of the book if you want to take it for a spin before you buy. And we promise this is NOT like movie trailers where they grab all the best pieces. Unhidden is pure relationship gold https://robertkandell.com/freeaudio

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